I actually apologize for not getting a good enough photo with Lily in her beautiful outfit. She loved it and danced so much through the night. She loved all the beautiful dances that everyone put on and really really enjoyed herself. Of course, putting her to bed at 10:15 PM with no nap and taking her away from the party was not the most fun walking through a hotel as she screamed.."I WANT TO DANCE, I WANT TO DANCE!!!" She went to bed shortly after that and as Daddy said..."we can't blame her, its our fault." Lily does like/need her sleep. Oh well, it was a good time anyway.
This is cousin Ian riding a white horse on the way to meet his bride's family in front of the hotel in DC.

It was actually quite funny since all the tourist's came to see us walking through the streets. Pretty funny actually.

Skip didn't seem to hold back and Lily taught Grandpa a few good moves. She is trained in India dance....screw in the light bulb and pet the dog.

Lily asked to put the flower in her hair....this was while we were watching all the great dancing.

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