We finally took Lily to Ben's Chili Bowl for the first time. This establishment, for those that live outside DC, is one of best chili dogs around and has quite the history since it has been in business since 1958. The best one was when the owner Ben (RIP) wrote in soap on the window during the 1968 riots "Soul Brother" and the place made it through without any destruction. Bill Cosby goes there a lot and apparantly has some pull since there is a sign in there that said "Bill Cosby and family eats free. President Obama does not because Bill said so." Hey, what's his beef with Obama?
Oh, and of course, here are some phone photos from the H1N1 shot clinic. You know, I think Lily actually had fun. We basically hung and played in an auditorium for 2 hours before we finally went to the "stage" to get our flu shots. Turns out, they gave some to Mommy and Daddy too! Flu shot score--Daddy:2, Lily:2, Mommy:1

A cute video of her fist hot dog at Bens!
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