Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas! Daddy was taking the pictures...obvy

OK, I will start out saying that we have stunk it up with updating the blog lately. Please accept my apologies peoples. That being said, we are just now updating Christmas photos. I now understand how people with more than one kid have trouble keeping in touch. Of course, we still have no excuse since we have only one but whatever. Keep in mind, we have been having so much fun that the time we have is with each other and not updating. ( :

Anyway, Christmas was in DC which means, all people come to us, mostly. First, Uncle Drake came over (in his PJS of course) on Xmas Eve along with Glam-ma Mary, Grandpa G, Molly and Dre. Here are a few photos...

We had a great time leaving out cookies to which Lily says.."Santa...he's not SCARY? He gives presents." Always saying it like...right? right? He is NOT scary, right?

This is Grandpa seeing what Grandma Judy and Papa gave her. It is the only fish that this family can handle, let's face it. Good gift!

And THIS was the big present. Since we have had so much time to blog.....this thing is a nightmare. Daddy put all 400 plus pieces together and, naturally, all Lily wants to do is take it apart. Awesome. She does love it but in retrospect, perhaps a wood non-piece castle may be have been the way to go. Either way, she loves it and anytime she "talks on the phone" she brings up her castle. That is a hit right? Right.

And Grandma who really pulls Christmas together! Translation: Does everything. ( :
Of course, Lily's visit to see Santa. This was MUCH more successful than any other years. (ok, so it was 2 so far..) Anyway, the part that is not as transparent is the steps:
1. Sit on Santa's lap: success.
2. Ask Santa for a castle and a dolly: success.
3. Leave Santa because he will maybe give us that stuff tomorrow: FAIL.

What is not on the video is her screaming....A CASTLE AND A DOLLY! NO COLORING BOOK! A CASTLE AND A DOLLY!? Perhaps that is why our lunch wasn't as awesome as we expected.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow Time Fun!

Ok, so the weather called for Thundersnow....which I cannot claim to have seen but we did see a lot of snow. Daddy was GREAT and went out quite a few times to shovel so today isn't so bad. He even helped to push a cop car up the street! Lily had a great time although said "I am cold, this is cold.." quite a few times. This makes us think she takes after her mother's sensitivity to the cold despite mommy's upbringing in upstate NY. Mommy has a anthropology theory as to why the cold affects her so much and will bore anyone with the theory if they care to listen. ANYWAY, here are some photos of how we spent the days in the snow...(above is a picture from the next day, much nicer.)

That night we didn't venture from our couch. A neighbor stopped by and we had some nice conversation. Very opposite of our planned night which was a Christmas party at our house with tons of friends. Oh well, we enjoyed it all the same. I seriously love snow and am disappointed that it will go away almost as soon as it came.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bring it on down to Chateaugay-ville....

This was probably Mommy's favorite night. The Cooks went to Disney World and brought back these novelty goofy hands. Oh boy. The family, mostly Mommy, reenacted the "Bring it on down to Homelessville" skit on SNL and had so much fun with the family.

Another night, making dinner with the sistas!
Thanksgiving Dinner...

Ok, so we stop to go potty but there ARE no potties. So..we improvised and laughed and laughed and laughed.....

And all the pictures....

Chateaugay November 2009