We were supposed to go to the Oyster Fesitval in MD but it was soooo rainy and icky outside we opted for bowling and oysters out and had a GREAT TIME!
Daddy has his own shoes and really long pants made his look that day.....

Upside down fun....

I really wish this picture turned out better since it is soooo cute. I am sure I will have another chance with Jake the jokster.

Sadie and Lily actually hung out a lot more this day. They probably were both admiring each other's fashion sense. We were anyway.

Then off the eat some oysters and a few drinks....the Chincoteague oysters were great, I shall remember that since we never know the different types.

The gang was there too...

Ryan being silly!

Then the Edelsteins came over for some dinner and a movie while the adults had some fun for themselves. Mike actually said...I think it is EASIER when they are here. Lily hung with them, we hung with the adults. Lots of fun. Great day!
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