Monday, November 10, 2008

New word: Funny, our best recording.

Yes, we are obviously trying to put together the word "funny" with "Mama" but are yet to accomplish. Anyway, new words this week are Funny, Happy and Elmo. The last being the most annoying.

We introduced Sesame Street this week to Lily. This may have been a mistake as she repeats "Elmo" as much as she said "Dada" and "Mama" repeatedly. It seems that Mr. Elmo had now replaced us both. Anyway, we all learn our lessons as parents. What is it? Note sure. We think that Sesame Street is the best television around compared to Barney or any other crap. BUT, we really do not want a complete addict, which is obvious what we have created....

We just started letting her watch Sesame Street last week for one episode. NOW, almost every time she is in the living room, she points at the tv and WHINES....loudly, pointing at the tv. Then, when I do not comply, she walks over to get the remote and hands it to me then grabs my hand and walks me to the tv. When that doesn't work, she grabs her Elmo book with the remote and hands it to me all the while taking my hand and walking me to the tv. Obviously, taking her out of the house helps. Of course, as soon as we pull up to the house, she says "Elmo"? Elmo?" with the question intonation in her voice which is what I was trying to video tape. Luckily I got "funny." God helps us all.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Sadie knows Elmo too, but I'm pretty sure she's never seen him on TV. They must put something in the apple juice that programs them to love little red furries.