Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hey Cow..I am not that afraid of you. (Shout out to Jake Edelstein!)

Yes, that is a gross cow tongue yet she almost touched it. She had a great time at the barn behind my parent's place. "Moo" was said every time she saw a cow. Which was really cute.

Hi cow! .....

The obligatory pitch fork/hay pile picture.....

Grandma (or Bamma as she is now officially called), was great for a whole two weeks. She came down the week before and bonded with Lily, then drove up with us to Chateaugay, NY. Having her in the car for a 12 hour drive was much better than the drive down without her. Thanks Bamma!
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1 comment:

Ryan said...

Cow says, "We not afraid of Lilies and Jakes and Sadies. We just like salt."