Thursday, July 17, 2008

On our way to Boulder...Friday, July11th

Ok, this trip was 7 1/2 hours to Casper, Wyoming and then another 4 to Boulder. We decided to stop in Casper at a B&B to break up the trip. Casper is....interesting. Notice there are no pictures.

We left and HAD to drive through Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park. That is really the quickest route. We drove all through Wyoming which had really great landscape but it was filled with nothing. We saw one town that had a sign that said "Population 30." We counted the houses and yes, there were 5 trailers. Here is some pics:

This is us stopping quickly at West Thumb which Carolyn, Maureen and I had already stopped at....Daddy and Lily are tired...

This is us on the boardwalk that shows all sorts of geological situations....that place sure is weird.

We then drove through the Tetons...we had no idea it was so gorgeous and then BAM drive around a corner and its beautiful. Well worth the drive! Me and Carolyn....

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