Thursday, July 17, 2008

Boulder-July 11th and 12th

Our last few days were spent in Boulder. It was so great to be out of the car and in once place. Lily was great but we were all pretty sick of the car at this point.

This is Lucille's in Boulder which was a great breakfast place! Cajun breakfast which has something to do with trout and biscuits...I guess. Anyway, I highly suggest it.
This is Mike, Lily and Mike's friend from college-Rachel.

Lily is such a good eater of real food now! Loves eggs and any kind of bread you put in front of her and fish too! Apparently, she ate some salmon the other day, NOT her Mama's little girl.
Lily above with Tara and Bowers. Special thanks to Tara and Adam for watching Lily while we went to the wedding in Boulder!

This was really neat. Its a whole big square which shoots out water intermittently and sporadically. Lily was a bit tired but this perked her up a bit. Very cool. There were lots of kids playing there in their bathing suits. The city seemed like a cool place to have kids.

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