This is at Firehole Falls in Yellowstone, our first stop to our day.

This is the gang hiking to Ojo Caliente' which was completely empty so it was cool to have just us there checking out the stuff. We walked around and there were a ton of hot springs. At one point we were walking in this sand and we looked around and there was buffalo scat everywhere. Matt said he felt like we were walking in a big litter box. "Scat" is now a very common term in the Bowers' household as we got a book for Lily title "Who pooped in the park?" and its a big kid glossary for "scat." It's awesome.

We also made a stop at the Fountain Paint Pot loop which we don't have many pictures of but it was very cool. Below is the family at Old Faithful....we got to touch the water that trickled down towards us and, surprisingly, it wasn't hot. That is Lily's new favorite word "hoT" with an emphasis on the "t."
On our plane ride home, she touched the window of the airplane, looked at me and said "hoT." I then said.."no, not hot"..then touched the window and "OWWW! YES HOT!"

Old Faithful....

This was our picnic at the park at a nice place a bit away from Old Faithful Village which was a bit packed. We had a great time and Lily really enjoyed the day.