Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Lily had a great Easter! She got a great Easter basket and was excited for her new toys. So many people stopped by and some even brought gifts for Lily. She was super psyched! This little number is from Maura (Thanks Maura!) and also got a great bunny that had a belly button from Carolyn and Adrian (Thanks guys!) Lily managed to keep the butterfly headband on for some time which we all thought was pretty nice of her seeing how it was more for us than her.

She really had a great time being around so many people. We only had to take a break once to get away from it all. I would say she is going to be as social as her Mommy and Daddy. Phew.

See more pics from the day here:
Easter Sunday

1 comment:

Philly Stacy said...

Lily is so big I can't stand it. Much better on the Easter outfit than the St. Patty's one!