This is actually one of the best family photos we have. We are there, stalking in the background as we will be as parents in her teenage life. Saturday was pretty nice so we walked (yup, Mike walked) to Open City to grab some food. It's amazing how easily entertained she is now a days. I know its probably a small window when we can take her out to a restaurant and she is so pleased to just sit there and stare at other diners. Fine, the other people are weirded out by it but we are happy and she is happy so we are officially those parents that only care about our kids at the restaurant. Probably what these dorks from www.nokidding.net would complain about....

Based on this picture, I have a guess why they don't "want" children. Frankly, they are doing society a justice, thank you. This is apparently a recent picture. Yup, you see a fanny pack all the way to the left on the end. And I am not sure if that is a beard in the middle, or he is a bee keeper. Either way, probably best he isn't a dad.
Ok, sorry, tangent over.... here are some other pictures from our "boring but cute to us" morning. My favorite is the first, maybe because Bowers is drinking coffee or maybe its because Lily is admiring him, probably both.

Where did you find these weirdos and their lo-budget website?? I do have to say, though, that the "Tina tells all about her tubal ligation" article was poignant and captivating.
my favorite part is lily's outfit
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