Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Trip home to see Sean..

I went home (Chateaugay) to see Erin's (my bff) new baby boy Sean. He is a perfect little boy and Erin handles motherhood so naturally. Very nice to see. I did NOT get a picture while I was there since it was a bit chaotic with Lily and all but here is a good one they shared with me..

When I was leaving Erin's house, she gave the perfect comment:
Stacey "I am sorry it was so chaotic while I was here, I was trying to make it easy for you"
Erin "Stacey, that is how it is going to be from now on" (with a great smile on her face)

Obviously, Erin is handling motherhood much better than me in the first few months. Again..very nice to see!


Anonymous said...

That just made me cry a little.. very sweet.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little guy! Can't wait to hear about your trip. I love that Erin is loving motherhood! I can just picture her now, dancing and being goofy for Sean! Love that great Irish name too!