We had so much fun a few weeks ago in Seneca Lake! Grandma (Barbara) is originally from Odessa, NY (near Watkins Glen) so we decided to visit her old childhood vacation spot, Seneca Lake. It was a blast and we got the best weather that area can report! Very lucky.

Lily had so many playmates all week and they did not hold back on attention. Daddy's cousin, Kristin, her husband Paul and kids Spencer, Matthew and Carley, had a house right next to ours. They were so great and played with her all weekend.

Aunt Sarah is making a movie on her cool vintage camera so here is Kristin leading the kids in some signs to include for the "credits" of the movie (with Paul playing wii in the background.)

Below is the whole family at the Seneca Lake Lodge. This is a very special place to the family as it was once the hangout of Uncle Larry (RIP). I think he would support the bunny ears to Uncle Peter. You can't see it but Peter was doing the same to Spencer. Before we ate, Lily and Carley played with Grandma at a playground while the rest of us went for a hike up to meet them at the lodge. Easy hike and great views!

This is Montour Falls where we hiked which is between Watkins and Odessa. Lily's new favorite word is "waterfall, waterfall, waterfall, waterfall..." and so on. Grandpa Skip seemed to notice that Lily likes the word waterfall. Grandma is now showing Lily one of her old stomping grounds when she was a kid.

The campfire is probably the best thing about staying on a lake and chillin'. Lily only made it to one of these, which is not related to it being the best thing, so we had her stay up one night and start it a bit earlier. She loved it.

This is her first marshmellow. She actually took enough bites to spread it all over her face but, otherwise, didn't care for it.

Paddle Boat!

The deck, scary for Mom and Dad when she is walking on it, near it and most especially RUNNING on it, was pretty awesome.

Grandma and Papa (Burke with "fish" as Lily calls them) showed up for a night and we all got some bonding time.

Ahhhh, lake.

To see more pictures, go here: http://picasaweb.google.com/mwbowers/June2009HalpernBowersGriswoldVacation?authkey=Gv1sRgCMONypOanNyZPA&feat=directlink