Friday, June 27, 2008

Lily at the Office

So Lily came to see me at the office the other day and my coworker Natasha took some great pictures. Thanks Natasha!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lily meets Super G

Lily finally met her Great Grandmother Gwen Bowers. She had a blast and Gwen knows her stuff! She waited for Lily to warm up to her and then it was just perfect.

Thank you Mary for the wonderful dinner! Fun was had by all...

This is such a musical house, Lily had fun with all of Rock-n-Roll Glamma's gear!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lily's Weekend in Chateaugay

After Mommy's long trip to Seattle for 7 days to work for her conference, the whole family got together and I MEAN the WHOLE stinkin' family! Mommy got back and then it was off to Chateaugay for Sean Tracy's Christening. The next few blogs are events from the weekend.

Special thanks to Grandma (Barbara) for all her help to the family while I was away! Dada was pretty good too!!! ( :

See all photos here:
Chateaugay-June 08

Sean's Christening...

Mike and I are officially God Parents. I am sure the Lord is proud and that Sean will be guided properly. Lily didn't see much of the mass after she found our her voice echoes in the church but not to worry, she made an appearance in the baptism. SHE. MADE. AN. APPEARANCE.

Sean did a great job!! He had water poured on him but was fine since the church was so hot. As hot as....
Lily and Sean grabbed hands during the christening and it was incredibly cute.
The Dada's with their kids...good work guys!

The priest was actually pretty he is with us on stage..errrr, I mean, the alter.

Saturday/Sunday Morning-The Cooks

Ahh, hanging with the Cooks... Little "A' (aka Anson or as Uncle Mike calls him "Mr. A"), Conner and Maddie...

Lily adored Anson and did her best to imitate him but, come on, who could?

This was Anson's Kawasaki four wheeler....Lily loved it! Grass all around, she was so psyched...

Dada thought it would be funny to push the gas a bit but then they both were scared....
Umm, mother/daughter? Sisters? Either way, they both look gorgeous..

Cathy and Chip bought this thing called a Mule from Kawasaki which is basically a four passenger four wheeler. They brought us through the trails on Sunday night and we saw tons of deer. They didn't run away which was cool for us but will not be good for them by October (hunting season). Very cool (again, for us.) See what I am talking about here:

Later Saturday night: Bonfire

Cathy and Chip had a bonfire behind their house. Its times like these that make me miss that stuff. Lily wasn't able to make it due to her schedule but she was there in spirit.

Some pics:

"B-Gs" rocking it hardcore...(Matthew being a dork), yes, we know give the rocker sign the best.

Anson, Patrick, Cathy, Chip and Maddie... Chip manning the fire...

Papa and Anson cozy next to the fire...

Ahhh, toasty...

Conner and Matthew...

Grandma and Papa....

Maddie, Matthew and Conner...

Chateaugay Saturday Night: Elk's Club Dinner

Stacey, Mike and Lily met up with the Hollinshead's (John and Cathy) and the Tracys' (Erin, Derek and Sean) to have dinner at the Elk's Club. Cathy had reserved a separate room for us so it seemed like we were in someone's living room but being served by someone else. Very cool, especially with a couple of messy kids.

Erin and Stacey as the words of Doug Nemier.."whodathunkit"....

Sean likes the bottle...

Tracy Family....

Our totally looks like someone's house.

Something you probably do not know about Malone, NY besides where it actually is... but it was home to the 19th Vice President of the United States, William A. Wheeler, under President Rutherford B. Hayes. It sounds like he was a loser VP, similar to Quayle, and did nothing. Whatever, he is from NEAR my hometown so I am proud. Read more here:

I believe that he either frequented the Elk's Club regularly or it was his actual home. The later sounds is a picture near Lily's head...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lily's 1st Birthday Party!


Thank you to all that made Lily's birthday party! It was so much fun! Everyone was so appropriate, especially our friends, which I had doubts about.

More pics HERE.

Lily was great, had some cake and mingled with all the guests.

We can't believe it was a year ago....

Lily's Announcement Post

Great Birthday!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lily for Obama!

Due to the recent political activities in the past week, Lily thought she should get out there and illustrate her support. Obama 08! Grandma and Lily went canvasing this past week.

Bowers Family Picnic

This is from a few weekends ago when we walked to Lily's favorite park and had a picnic! It was so much fun and nobody was there so we had it all to ourselves on a Sunday. Why was it empty? Oh, that is because a huge storm was coming in and we got trapped there for 30 minutes while we waited for it to let up. Oh well, Lily loved the rain too.

Here is a slide show of the picnic. As Mike said, some of the pictures of me and Lily looked very staged a la Heidi and Spencer but they were real. If you don't know who Heidi and Spencer are they are "famous" people that you are blessed to not know so don't bother.